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Powerball Scam

Powerball International Promotion 2010
2 Lansodowne Row, Berkeley Square
London,W1j 6h, United Kingdom
CVR-nr. 25554493

Our Dear Winner,

We happily announce to you that you have won the sum of 800,000.00 GBP from the United Kingdom Lottery Home on our 2010 annual charity bonanza.

The winning ticket was selected from a database of internet email users from which your email address came out as the winning coupon. You are therefore requested to contact immediately out Claims Department below quoting secret pin code TY7448500 and your reference number 799BV90.

Futhermore, after compliting the verification informations above, you are required to send it to the appionted
fiduciary agent:

Dr. Perton Henrikkson

Once more congratulations.

Yours faithfully,
Brian Hunt
Online Coordinator
United Kingdom Lottery Home
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