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Pearlman and Clark Trial Attorneys

Pearlman and Clark Trial Attorneys

10812 Gandy Blvd N, Saint Petersburg
Florida 33702
United States

Tel No/s :
(727) 202-4611

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We can't always plan or predict when tragic and sometimes life changing events occur in our daily lives.  Some of these incidents can be overcome on our own.  Others can, and should, be confronted with help.  At the firm of Pearlman and Clark Trial Attorneys, our focus and attention is on helping people in these times of need.  We understand the emotional, social, and financial stresses that accompany a criminal investigation or arrest, a divorce, or a domestic injunction.  Even something seemingly as trivial as the suspension of a driver's license can have extreme and devastating results on our lives. Our experience and knowledge allow us to walk step by step with our clients to achieve the best possible outcomes regardless of the situation.
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